Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Data Pribadi Anda Tidak Aman di Internet?

Data Pribadi Anda Tidak Aman di Internet?
Sekitar 92% orang menilai organisasi gagal dalam melindungi data pribadi mereka.
MINGGU, 30 JANUARI 2011, 00:02 WIB
Muhammad Chandrataruna

VIVAnews - Sekitar 92 persen pelanggan menilai sebagian besar organisasi gagal untuk melindungi data pribadi mereka di Internet. Hal itu ditemui berdasarkan survey oleh kantor Komisi Informasi Inggris baru-baru ini.

Survey tersebut juga menemukan bahwa 3 dari 5 orang tidak mengontrol lalu lintas informasi pribadi mereka yang dikumpulkan dan diproses oleh organisasi. Selain itu, 4 dari 5 orang sangat khawatir dengan perlindungan informasi pribadi mereka di Internet.

Christopher Graham, komisi informasi Inggris, menggarisbawahi survei tersebut dengan panduan agar masyarakat lebih hati-hati jika berselancar di Internet, terutama di jejaring sosial, tidak memberikan informasi pribadi secara detail, dan mengerti apa yang harus dilakukan jika terjadi sesuatu yang buruk datang.

Sebab itu, Komisi Informasi Inggris merilis ulang panduan bertajuk Personal Information Toolkit serta bimbingan online usai Menteri Komunikasi Ed Vaizey mengkritiknya di parlemen tahun lalu untuk tidak menempatkan hubungan publik sebagai bisnis.

Inisiatif Komisi Informasi tersebut bukan tanpa alasan. Sekadar diketahui, temuan National Fraud Authority di Inggris menunjukkan bahwa pencurian data pribadi menimbulkan kerugian hingga 2,7 miliar poundsterling (setara 38,6 triliun) dan setidaknya melibatkan 1,8 juta pelanggan per tahun.

Jika dirata-ratakan, para penipu bisa mengantungi lebih dari 1.000 pound (setara Rp14,2 juta) per satu identitas yang berhasil dicurinya. Demikian dikutip VIVAnews dari Telegraph, Sabtu 29 Januari 2011.

"Kami harap panduan baru ini dapat membantu pengguna Internet supaya lebih mengerti bagaimana menjelajahi Internet secara aman," kata Graham. "Panduan itu termasuk tips-tips bagaimana melindungi data pribadi, termasuk bagaimana mengatur akses data pribadinya supaya tidak bisa dilihat oleh umum, dan sebagainya," jelasnya.

Tak cuma itu, pada panduan tersebut juga dijelaskan bagaimana cara meminimalisir pembajakan online.

• VIVAnews

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Seorang Profesor Kritik Keburukan Facebook & Twitter

Senin, 24/01/2011 11:38 WIB

Seorang Profesor Kritik Keburukan Facebook & Twitter
Fino Yurio Kristo - detikinet

Facebook (ist)

Massachusetts - Facebook jamak disebut sebagai situs jejaring sosial. Namun menurut profesor ini, Facebook malah berpotensi menjadikan orang anti sosial. Dia menyatakan, situs seperti Facebook atau Twitter terlalu mendominasi kehidupan, membuat manusia terisolasi dan kurang manusiawi.

Pendapat itu dikemukakan profesor Sherry Turkle, akademisi di Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Amerika Serikat. Ia menulis buku 'Alone Together', yang mengkritik pemakaian situs jejaring sosial sebagai sebuah bentuk kegilaan di zaman modern.

Dalam bukunya, dia berargumentasi bahwa Facebook menghadirkan ilusi kemudahan melakukan komunikasi dengan lebih baik. Namun justru teknologi ini mengisolasi orang dari interaksi antar manusia yang nyata. Padahal realitas di dunia cyber adalah tiruan yang buruk dari dunia sebenarnya.

Dikutip detikINET dari DailyMail, Senin (24/1/2011), sang profesor juga menilai situs jejaring bisa membuat orang tergila-gila dan melakukan berbagai kebiasaan tidak pantas. Misalnya tetap sibuk facebookan atau ngetweetsaat upacara pemakaman.

Namun demikian, argumen sang profesor tidak diterima begitu saja. Beberapa pihak menilai Facebook maupun Twitter memiliki banyak kegunaan, di antaranya untuk merekatkan hubungan yang terpisah karena jarak. Menurut Anda?
( fyk / ash )

Tiny Apartment Is Made With 25,000 Ping-Pong Balls

Tiny Apartment Is Made With 25,000 Ping-Pong Balls

by Suzanne Labarre
Friday, January 28, 2011

provided by

(Courtesy of Snarkitecture)

More fromFastCompany.com:

An Old Church, Remade into a Gorgeous House

Snarkitecture Creates Styrofoam "Ice Cave" for Fashion It-Boy Richard Chai

A Dazzling NYC Loft, Made to Show Off Art

Daniel Arsham's apartment in Brooklyn is the only pint-sized place we've ever wanted to live in. It's a mere 90 square feet — that's about big enough to fit a toothbrush — but the decor's so sleek and minimal, we'd trade in our own sardine can in a heartbeat.

[Click here to check home equity rates in your area.]

The apartment's a loft attached to the offices of Snarkitecture, the cool-kid architecture firm where Arsham is a partner, and it's basically just a room that serves two functions: sleeping and dressing. But oh, what a room it is.

The walls look like great big, pixelated screens that fade from gray to white as you approach the ceiling. On closer inspection, the pixels are actually ping-pong balls — a whopping 25,000 of 'em. We half expect someone to come out and call a Powerball winner.

The rest of the place is a study in simplicity. Arsham's got a bed with some built-in shelves and a dresser, where he keeps a few clothes. To enter the loft, he climbs a ladder through the office's employee bathroom.

The apartment — which Snarkitecture designed — was built in two months for less than $100 a square foot. That's about $50 cheaper than your average loft. Impressive. Then again, by the looks of it, all they really had to do was shop at the local sporting goods store.

(Courtesy of Snarkitecture)

Click here for all the photos of the Tiny Apartment Made With Ping-Pong Balls


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8 people you trust with your credit card, but shouldn't

8 people you trust with your credit card, but shouldn't


, On Wednesday January 26, 2011, 1:00 am EST

It's amazing how often we blindly hand over our credit cards and numbers to so many people and businesses. Why? We trust them! The problem is, however, that sometimes we'd be better off holding back and taking a more discretionary approach. Certain individuals and companies should be off limits. To keep safeguard your credit, avoid giving the following folks unlimited access to your account.

1. Your darling child. Whether you have a PC, smart phone or iPad, chances are high that your kid has become quite the gaming pro. She begs for your password and soon your bill swells. It happens, and the damage can be extreme. In January 2011, a 7-year old in British Columbia was on an iPod and found an app called Touch Pets - Dogs 2. An hour's worth of play ran up $852, which was charged to the credit card her parents had on file with iTunes. "Trust can't come without education and maturity," says Jan Ruskin, spokeswoman for Creative Wealth International, a financial literacy product company. And clearly a child can't be expected to read and understand fine print.

2. Callers investigating a credit card scam. The man on the phone sounds both professional and deadly serious. He's with the police or credit card company, and he says that your account has been compromised . To confirm your identity, he needs you to read off your card's numbers. The catch: He's the thief. "No responsible agency will work this way," says Los Angeles-based security expert Chris McGoey. It's easy to fall for this scam because very often the caller knows a few facts about you. "They'll get a hold of people from a list -- religious, political, etc. The story sounds plausible," says McGoey. To ensure all is well, though, hang up and call the number on the back of your card.

3. Loved ones. You'd think you could rely on your best bud to never do you wrong, right? Well, not necessarily. Sometimes it's those closest to us who abscond with our credit information. A 2010 Identity Fraud Survey Report found at least 13 percent of all identity theft is perpetrated by friends, neighbors and other close acquaintances. Lend a pal your card or leave statements in plain view and you could be exposing yourself to trouble.

4. The hired help. It may save you time to hand over your Home Depot card to a contractor, or give your Visa to the nanny so they can buy supplies, but that's giving strangers way too much access. They might be the most upstanding people in the world, but you should still order your own stuff. The only people who should ever charge on your card besides you are other co-signers and authorized users.

5. Virus protection heroes. Get online and see a warning message that your computer has a virus needing immediate attention? Use extreme caution when purchasing new protection software. "Don't trust anyone who tries to scare you into downloading software to fix your PC that's supposed to have a virus," warns Robert Siciliano McAfee, a consultant and identity theft expert. "This is scareware, and it will mess up your operating system, and your card will be charged more than once."

6. The disappearing waiter. Anytime your plastic is swept away by another person, you have reason for pause. Unfortunately, some restaurant staff may be especially dangerous. "Many skimming networks operate using wait staff," warns Steve Rhode of GetOutOfDebt.org. "They will pay $50 or more for credit card information that can be swiped off your card using a small electronic device that reads the magnetic strip on the card. Skimming only takes two seconds." While you can't always control where they take the card, it's important to check your receipts and statements immediately.

7. The "helpful" debt collector. If you owe money to a collection agency, you might be asked to enter into a payment plan or settlement agreement using your credit card. Don't do it, says Sonya Smith Valentine, attorney and author of "How to Have a Love Affair with Your Credit Report." "If you are working out a deal on past due debt with a debt collector, send a money order," she suggests. "Some debt collectors will charge your card for the whole amount that you owe, not just the amount they agreed to settle the debt for."

8. You. According to Carrie Coghill, director of consumer education for FreeScore.com , the person you might want to be most wary of may be reflected in the mirror. "Even the smartest people do the dumbest things," Coghill says. She cites examples of those who consolidate debts on low interest rate cards, but don't pay attention to the special rate time frame and get hit with super high APRs, and millionaires who overextend themselves because they must have the latest things. So look inward, cardholder: If you can't trust yourself to stay out of debt, purge your wallet of plastic.

While casting suspicious glares at everyone is unnecessary, being careful can prevent common credit problems. Monitor your financial affairs too. "The bottom line is the best deterrent against credit card fraud and abuse is for you to monitor your monthly statements and check your consolidated credit report twice a year," says Rhode.

See related: 9 hot credit card scams to watch out for , New phone phishing scam on the rise , Card thieves 'skimming' pay-at-the-pump customers

Layanan IPTV Sudah Bisa Dinikmati Tahun Ini

Jumat, 28/01/2011 20:41 WIB

Layanan IPTV Sudah Bisa Dinikmati Tahun Ini
Achmad Rouzni Noor II - detikinet

Jakarta - Setelah sekian lama tertunda, program siaran berbasis internet (internet protocol television--IPTV) diharapkan sudah bisa beroperasi di Indonesia mulai tahun 2011 ini.

"Mulai minggu depan, paling cepat tim Kominfo akan mengevaluasi proposal IPTV yang diajukan oleh Telkom dan grup MNC," ungkap Kepala Pusat Informasi dan Humas Kementerian Kominfo, Gatot S Dewa Broto kepada detikINET, Jumat (28/1/2011).

Menurutnya, kedua perusahaan itu akan dievaluasi kelaikannya dari berbagai aspek, termasuk aspek layanan ISP (penyelenggara jasa internet), penyelenggaraan siaran, dan jaringan telekomunikasinya.

"Nanti tim akan mengevaluasinya. Bahwasanya selama ini belum ada progres semata-mata karena pemerintah secara makro sedang mengevaluasi kesiapan industri telco dan penyiaran jelang IPTV, termasuk juga revisi regulasinya," papar Gatot.

Jika tak ada aral melintang, layanan IPTV sudah bisa beroperasi tahun ini. "Insya Allah jika satu atau dua-duanya dianggap memenuhi semua persyaratan," jelasnya.

Bagi perusahaan sekelas grup MNC, layanan IPTV tentunya akan memperluas layanan penyiaran yang selama ini dikuasainya. Sementara bagi Telkom, IPTV sangat diharapkan bisa mengangkat pamor telepon kabel yang mulai meredup.

Telkom sendiri tengah berupaya untuk merevitalisasi bisnis telepon kabelnya. Modernisasi infrastruktur jaringan akses terus dilakukan secara besar-besaran.

Langkah revitalisasi ini dilakukan seiring kecenderungan menurunnya pemakaian telepon kabel dalam beberapa tahun terakhir. Tak hanya di Indonesia, tren penurunan ini juga terjadi di seluruh dunia.

( wsh / ndr )

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Ini Nomor Pengaduan SMS Spam Tawaran Kredit

Ini Nomor Pengaduan SMS Spam Tawaran Kredit
Nasabah bisa melaporkan kepada Bank Indonesia di nomor 085888509797.
RABU, 26 JANUARI 2011, 15:01 WIB
Nur Farida Ahniar

VIVAnews - Bank Indonesia (BI) membuka kotak pengaduan bagi nasabah yang terganggu atas munculnya layanan pesan singkat (SMS) spam yang menawarkan kredit tanpa agunan (KTA). Pengaduan bisa disampaikan melalui SMS atau surat.

Kepala Biro Humas Bank Indonesia, Difi A Johansyah, menjelaskan nasabah bisa mengirimkan pesan ke nomor 085888509797. Nomor tersebut adalah koordinasi Humas dan Direktorat Investigasi Mediasi Perbankan BI.

"Masyarakat yang terganggu tinggal men-forward SMS gangguan tersebut ke nomorhelpdesk tersebut," ujar Difi kepadaVIVAnews.com di Jakarta, Rabu 26 Januari 2011.

Sebelumnya, Difi mengatakan BI bisa menegur bank yang sering menawarkan kredit tanpa agunan (KTA) atau kartu kredit melalui telepon dan pesan pendek (SMS). Pengaduan nasabah itu akan ditindaklanjuti oleh Direktorat Investigasi dan Mediasi BI. Surat itu akan diteruskan kepada pengawasan bank.

Maraknya SMS penawaran kredit menimbulkan keluhan nasabah. Dalam satu hari nasabah bisa mendapat lebih dari tiga kali penawaran, dan tidak mengenal waktu. Selain berasal dari bank, nomor ponsel itu diduga berasal dari bocornya data pengguna telekomunikasi. (art)

• VIVAnews

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Top 10 Places to Beat the Winter Blues

Top 10 Places to Beat the Winter Blues

Provided by:

Forget about the slush and snow at one of these rejuvenating winter destinations

By ShermansTravel Editorial Staff

Brrrr. When Old Man Winter comes to town, it's easy to get down. But a visit to any of our favorite places to beat the winter blues will have you forgetting about the slush, snow boots, and dreary days of the long, dark season in no time. This year, why not pack your bags and head to top winter destinations like the slopes of Banff, the aquatic playgrounds of Belize and the Red Sea, the sands of Búzios, the quirky town of Key West, or even your own private villa on St. Barts? If it takes more than surf or snow to stimulate your senses, head out on a sophisticated city trip to Los Angeles or Melbourne, where sunny climes and attractive lifestyles beckon, or go even farther afield, on a trip of a lifetime to Rajasthan or Antarctica. Indeed, the icy waters at the bottom of the globe become passable only when the temperatures drop in the Northern Hemisphere, allowing adventuresome travelers seeking a rare annual opportunity to spot the season's coolest sights – penguins, icebergs, and glaciers.

1. Búzios, Brazil

For a ritzy, St. Tropez-like escape in the dead of winter, you can’t beat Búzios – located at the tip of a long, beach-fringed peninsula about 100 miles north of Rio de Janeiro. Much beloved since the days Brigitte Bardot strolled the shores of the area's Ossos Beach, this former fishing village retains much of its old-world charm, but now boasts a slew of glitzy boutiques, restaurants, and beachfront mansions to complement its fantastic string of 20-plus beaches, rugged coastline, and darling town. December to March is the best time to visit this top winter destinations, since Brazil’s summer weather is just right for a dose of Brazilian pleasures. Beat the blahs this year by sunbathing to your heart’s content, sipping caipirinhas at beachside cafés, and, at night, hitting the happening Rua das Pedras – a popular street lined with galleries, restaurants, and bars.

2. Belize

This Central American up-and-comer – about the size of Massachusetts – is packed with potential. The tiny English-speaking country fronts the Caribbean Sea and offers sunny, warm weather all winter long and loads of adventuresome travel opportunities. Case in point: The longest continuous barrier reef in the Western Hemisphere borders the coast of Belize, making the waters here outstanding for snorkeling and diving. Offshore atolls and sandy reef shelves are home to baby sharks, massive stingrays, skinny eels, and lots of colorful marine life. Inland, the Maya Mountains are swathed in thick rain forests with thousands of streams and rivers cascading down – ideal for jungle treks and nature tours. Also not far offshore are dozens of islands, called cayes, which make for great day trips or secluded stays; Ambergris Caye and Isla Bonita are among the most developed, boasting chic restaurants and resorts, while Caye Caulker remains more laid-back and remote. Nature buffs will also love the Swallow Caye Wildlife Sanctuary – just a few miles east of Belize City – which protects over 9,000 acres of sea and mangrove; local guides bring visitors by boat to survey the abundant wildlife at one of the world's top winter destinations.

3. Key West, Florida

For the perfect winter destination, set out to Key West and bask in its tropical-Victorian-fantasyland feel, Jimmy Buffett/Margaritaville vibe, and hedonistic laissez-faire attitude. Indeed, this southernmost bit of the continental United States has plenty to tempt visitors, whether you're interested in snorkeling – North America's only coral barrier reef is found here, and you can swim with dolphins or discover shipwrecks – or into history, culture, and art, which this quirky beach town has plenty of. You could easily while away an afternoon strolling through Bahama Village, a quaint neighborhood favored by Ernest Hemingway (when you're done, you can also visit his house, Ernest Hemingway Home); other worthy local highlights include the Harry S. Truman Little White House and the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Museum. Come dusk, Mallory Square hosts nightly sunset celebrations, with musicians and street performers serving as backup for the magnificent sunset show that illuminates the Gulf of Mexico, while street cafés and open-air bars invite you to partake of the carefree atmosphere. However you spend your day, rest assured that local priorities are where they should be – fun comes first!

4. Los Angeles

Where else can you drive with the top down all year round, rub elbows with celebrities at the supermarket, delight in glamorous escapades by night, and go for a morning surf in the Pacific? Only Los Angeles offers all of these sun-kissed splendors come winter. The incomparable weather mixed with the allure ofHollywood has been attracting visitors in search of a prime winter destination for decades, yet the second-largest U.S. city maintains its cool with a collection of inventive hotels, cutting-edge restaurants, and posh nightclubs. From celebrity spotting at sidewalk cafés to window-shopping on Rodeo Drive in Beverly Hills,, you’ll quickly become part of the scene and get a taste of Angelenos’ laid-back lifestyle. Stroll the Walk of Fame, hit the bars on Sunset Strip, tour Hollywood, explore the city’s museums, or join the perpetual traffic along the Pacific Coast Highway, where a sweet ocean-side drive will take you to the surf-swept beaches of Malibu and Venice; you won’t mind the trek with the wind in your hair, the radio blasting, and the sun shining when you think about the frigid weather you’re missing back home.

5. Melbourne, Australia

Australia’s second-largest city is quite arguably second to none, with in-the-know locals and avid Aussie visitors declaring Melbourne the more sophisticated, savvier sister of Sydney. A cosmopolitan melting pot, with more than a third of its residents born abroad – Melbourne (pronounced Mel-bun) is the cultural capital of the continent, with a magnificent array of eateries, boutiques, and nightlife options reflective of its fashionable and worldly patrons. Its vibrant riverfront attractions, fine European architecture, central squares, renowned zoo, botanic gardens, and galleries add to the allure of a visit to one of our top winter destinations – all augmented by the fact that while we’re mulling about in the dead of winter here, summer is in full swing Down Under.

6. Rajasthan, India

The second-largest state in India derives its name from a term meaning "land of kings,” and today tourists can discover the very essence of a regal India, with its fairy-tale architecture, colorfully turbaned men and sari-covered women, rich folk traditions and religious festivals, and desert landscapes of sun-kissed plains and glimmering lake oases. An expansive and exotic region, loaded with forts, palaces, gardens, temples, and other monumental relics of the high-society aristocrats who have occupied Rajasthan over the centuries, demands no less than a week to sample its highlights, including the lovely lake city of Udaipur; the golden fort city of Jaisalmer; the “blue city” of Jodhpur, with its impressive fort and eye-catching blue houses of the Brahmin caste; or the Ranthambhore jungle, where opportunities to track wild tigers abound. Unusual hotels cater to the tourists that flock here during the temperate months of September through March, and guests can expect accommodations in converted havelis (private mansions), ancient forts, and picturesque palaces. Skilled artisans, meanwhile, dish out the ultimate retail therapy by peddling a magical array of jewelry, rugs, pottery, and more one-of-a-kind goods in one of our preferred winter destinations.

7. Antarctica

An Antarctic winter is far from a tropical paradise – imagine a continent surrounded by densely packed ice, near-perpetual darkness, unpredictable blizzards, and temperatures that dip to about -60 degrees. With the seasons flipped, winter here in the Northern Hemisphere means that it’s as close to summer as it will ever be on the White Continent, and also the only time of year when voyaging to this last great travel frontier is possible, as the warmer climate serves to break up the ice barriers that otherwise prohibit access to this remote wilderness full of exotic wildlife and savage landscapes. More than 36,000 tourists now head towards the South Pole each year to witness its monumental glaciers and icebergs, comical penguins and seabirds, and majestic whales and marine creatures. Cruising to this top winter destination is the most popular way to attempt an Antarctic expedition; cruise lines like Holland America (www.hollandamerica.com), Radisson Seven Seas (www.rssc.com), and Princess (www.princess.com) operate sailings from Argentina or New Zealand.

8. Red Sea

We’re all familiar with Egypt’s ancient wonders, pharaoh-filled history, vast pyramids, and boundless desert, but the world-class beach resorts lining the Red Sea are still somewhat unknown, even to savvy travelers. Yet, where the crystal-blue Red Sea laps the desert shore, you’ll find a truly beautiful and exotic winter destination with much to offer during the cold-weather months. Just offshore from Dahab, a small coastal town between the Israeli border and the tip of Sinai, is a fantastic dive site where sharks, mantas, turtles, and eels will take bread right from your hand; the sea and its deep reefs are a tapestry of brilliantly colorful fish, dazzling coral, and exotic creatures. Another popular resort town, busy Hurghada, itself also an international center for aquatic sports, boasts an array of fine resorts and restaurants – and a bustling nightlife scene much favored by Europeans. When you need a break from the underwater paradise, or to clear your head from a night out on the town, plan a day trip to the Red Sea Mountains via camel or jeep.

9. St. Barts

Ironic that a tiny, rocky Caribbean island ill-suited to agriculture and populated only by poor Norman and Breton fishermen should wind up luring Rockefellers and rock stars, real and reel royalty. But St. Barthélemy, affectionately known as St. Barts (or Barths – both are correct) with its exquisite coves, gingerbread-trimmed Creole cazes (small houses), and low stone walls tracing emerald hillsides became the bicontinental set’s playground, separating true chic from chicanery. On this special chunk of rock that ranks supreme among top winter destinations, located southeast of St. Martin in the northernmost arc of the Caribbean's Leeward Islands, the beautiful and wealthy play at anonymity, violate personal trainers’ and nutritionists’ advice, and indulge in the occasional vice away from the paparazzi’s popping bulbs. Despite the island’s stratospheric prices, gourmet eateries, and duty-free haute-couture boutiques, few visitors parade in Prada; sarongs and denim cut-offs (and often little else on the beaches and yachts) are more common, although the flip-flops are more likely to be branded Jimmy Choo or Manolo Blahnik than Havaiana.

10. Banff, Canada

With its backdrop of waterfalls, caves, cliffs, canyons, and glaciers, it's no wonder Banff attracts visitors from around the globe. The famed mountain resort is centered on a spectacular stretch of land preserve, Banff National Park, which is not only Canada’s oldest national park, but one of the nation’s most persevering tourist draws and winter destinations. Its snow-powdered Canadian Rocky Mountain peaks are its crowning glory, providing some of the world's best skiing and snowboarding conditions – any die-hard skier or nature-lover will tell you that the Rockies' pristine surroundings will take you to new heights – the only downfall might be the somewhat overwhelming crowds that hit the three main ski areas and nature trails. However, with the area’s two main towns – Banff and Lake Louise – providing a host of additional winter activities, museums, eateries, nightspots, and quaint accommodations, there’s a little haven for everybody to head back to after a long day spent gliding along glorious snow-covered terrain.
