Senin, 28 Juni 2010

FTC Says Scammers Stole Millions, Using Virtual Companies

FTC Says Scammers Stole Millions, Using Virtual Companies

The founder of a legal online purchasing company poses with his credit card in front of his Web site, Blippy, at his office in Palo Alto, Calif., Feb. 16, 2010. (AP Photo/Paul Sakuma)
Robert McMillan Sun Jun 27, 8:30 pm ET

The U.S. Federal Trade Commission has disrupted a long-running online scam that allowed offshore fraudsters to steal millions of dollars from U.S. consumers -- often by taking just pennies at a time.

The scam, which had been run for about four years years, according to the FTC, provides a case lesson in how many of the online services used to lubricate business in the 21st century can equally be misused for fraud.

"It was a very patient scam," said Steve Wernikoff, a staff attorney with the FTC who is prosecuting the case. "The people who are behind this are very valmeticulous."

The FTC has not identified those responsible for the fraud, but in March, it quietly filed a civil lawsuit in U.S. District Court in Illinois. This has frozen the gang's U.S. assets and also allowed the FTC to shut down merchant accounts and 14 "money mules" -- U.S. residents recruited by the criminals to move money offshore to countries such as Bulgaria, Cyprus, and Estonia.

"We're going to aggressively seek to identify the ultimate masterminds behind this scheme," Wernikoff said. According to him, the scammers found loopholes in the credit card processing system that allowed them to set up fake U.S. companies that then ran more than a million phony credit card transactions through legitimate credit card processing companies.

Wernikoff doesn't know where the scammers obtained the credit card numbers they charged, but they could have been purchased from online carder forums, black market Web sites where criminal buy and sell stoleninformation.

Small Thefts Overlooked

The scammers stayed under the radar by charging very small amounts -- typically between $0.25 and $9 per card -- and by setting up more than 100 bogus companies to process the transactions.

U.S. consumers footed most of the bill for the scam because, amazingly, about 94 percent of all charges went uncontested by the victims. According to the FTC, the fraudsters charged 1.35 million credit cards a total of $9.5 million, but only 78,724 of these fake charges were ever noticed. Typically they floated just one charge per card number, billing on behalf of made-up business names such as Adele Services or Bartelca LLC.

As credit cards are increasingly being used for inexpensive purchases -- they're now accepted by soda machines and parking meters -- criminals have cashed in on the trend by running this type of unauthorized charging scam.

"They know that most of the fraud detection systems won't detect anything under $10 and they know that consumers won't complain about a 20 cent fee," said Avivah Litan, an analyst with the Gartner research firm who follows bank fraud. "What's different here is the scale, and that they got away with it for so many years," she said.

Similar Cases Show Trend

In March Alexsandr Bernik of Roseville, California, was sentenced to 70 months in prison for running a similarscam. He put tens of thousands of charges on Amex accounts, each ranging from $9 to $15. Neither federal authorities nor American Express would explain how Bernik obtained his card numbers.

Bernik made his charges on behalf of a fictional corporation called Lexbay Ltd., but in the FTC case, the scammers would mimic legitimate companies -- taking real federal tax I.D. numbers and then setting up fake businesses with nearly identical names that appeared to be located nearby. In a move that apparently tricked credit card processors into granting it a merchant account, Adele Services, for example, was set up to mimic a legitimate Bronx, New York group called Adele Organization.

When the scammers tried to register merchant accounts with credit card processors, the processors would do some investigating, but using tricks like these, the scammers were always one step ahead.

In fact, the FTC's description of their operation reads like a textbook on how to set up a fake virtual corporation in the Internet age.

The criminals used a range of legitimate business services to make it appear to credit card processors as though they were legitimate U.S. companies, even though the scammers may have never set foot in the U.S.

For example, using a company called Regus, they were able to give their fictional companies addresses that were very close to the companies whose tax IDs they were stealing. Regus lets companies operate "virtual offices" out of a number of prestigious addresses throughout the U.S. -- the Chrysler Building in New York for example -- forwarding mail for as little as US$59 per month.

Mail sent to Regus locations was then forwarded to another company, called Earth Class Mail, which scans correspondence and uses the Internet to deliver it to customers in pdf format.

They used another legitimate virtual business service -- United World Telecom's CallMe800 -- to have phone calls forwarded overseas. To further make it seem as though their companies were legitimate, the scammers would set up fake retail Web sites. And when credit card processors asked them to provide information about company executives, they handed over legitimate names and social security numbers, stolen from ID theftvictims.

When they had to log into payment processor Web sites, they would do this from IP addresses that were located near their virtual offices, again evading payment processor fraud detection services.

One of the largest payment processors in the U.S., First Data, was a favorite of the scammers. Of the 116 fake merchant accounts the FTC uncovered, 110 were with First Data. The scammers also set up bogus accounts with Elavon and BBVA Compass.

First Data would not comment on the measures it had taken to improve its merchant vetting process, but the company did confirm that it cooperated with the FTC investigation.

Aided by 'Mules'

To get the money out of the U.S., the scammers had to recruit money mules. These were U.S. residents who were recruited online, often with spam e-mail messages. Under the impression that they were helping offshore businesses, the money mules set up bank accounts and helped the fraudsters move money offshore.

In a letter to the judge presiding over the case, one of the mules, James P. Smith of Brownwood, Texas, says he worked for one of the scammers for four years without realizing that anything illegal was going on. Smith now says he is "ashamed" to be named in the FTC action, and offers to help catch his former boss, who used the name Alex Moore.

The FTC's Wernikoff believes that whoever is responsible for this crime lives outside of the U.S., but with the money-cashing operation now busted up, the scammers will have to start again from scratch, if they want to keep bilking consumers. And criminal investigators now have a trail to follow.

"Does it prevent the people from ultimately responsible from building up again from scratch?" he asked. "No. But we do hope that this erously disrupts them.".

Robert McMillan covers computer security and general technology breaking news for The IDG News Service. Follow Robert on Twitter at @bobmcmillan. Robert's e-mail address is

Konsumen Harus Waspada Memakai Elpiji

Konsumen Harus Waspada Memakai Elpiji

Konsumen Harus Waspada Memakai Elpiji, Jakarta: Maraknya kebakaran yang dipicu oleh kebocoran tabung gas elpiji akhir-akhir ini sungguh memprihatinkan. Lantas, siapa yang paling bertanggungjawab, Pertamina, Kementerian Perdagangan, atau malah konsumen

Kemendag mengakui kualitas regulator dan selang tabung gas elpiji di pasaran tak semuanya berkualitas baik. Tak hanya kualitas barang, pengawasan di lapangan atas kebijakan dan penggunaan tabung gas elpiji juga sangat penting.

Untuk itu, konsumen sebagai pengguna memegang peran amat penting. Ketidaktahuan menyangkut penggunaan tabung gas elpiji yang benar serta kualitas tabung, sangat rentan memicu terjadinya musibah yang bisa mengancam jiwa. Untuk itu cermati tabung elpiji sebelum membeli [baca: Teliti Tabung Sebelum Menggunakan Elpiji].

Kasus terakhir, kebakaran yang diduga berasal dari kebocoran tabung elpiji terjadi Sabtu (26/6) lalu di Surabaya, Jawa Timur. Kebakaran itu menghabiskan Supermarket Sinar Bintoro dan menghanguskan semua barang yang ada.

Sementara di Jakarta, kebakaran yang dipicu kebocoran tabung gas terjadi di kawasan Poncol, Senen, Jakarta Pusat, menghanguskan pasar dan rumah penduduk. Kebakaran juga menyebabkan jatuhnya korban luka.(TES/AYB)

Minggu, 20 Juni 2010

Sumber Air Tiga Rasa Diyakini Mampu Sembuhkan Penyakit

Minggu, 20/06/2010 16:44 WIB
Air Rasa Asin, Manis & Bersoda
Sumber Air Tiga Rasa Diyakini Mampu Sembuhkan Penyakit
Sugeng Harianto - detikSurabaya

Sumber air 3 rasa/Sugeng Harianto

Madiun - Sumber air tiga rasa asin, manis dan bersoda di Desa Lembah Kecamatan Dolopo Kabupaten Madiun, diyakini bisa menyembuhkan berbagai penyakit. Warga yang mendengar kabar ini dari mulut ke mulut pun datang silih berganti.

Mereka yang datang ke lokasi ada yang dari Jawa Timur atau Jawa Tengah. Salah satu warga yang mengaku mengalami gatal-gatal yakni Agus (40) asal Ponorogo. Dia mengaku gatal-gatal di kulitnya agak membaik setelah 2 kali mandi.

"Saya sudah 2 kali ke sini untuk mandi. Sejak pertama kali mandi 2 minggu lalu sudah ada reaksi dari air hangat 3 rasa ini," jelas Agus kepada di lokasi, Minggu (20/6/2010).

Agus menambahkan, dirinya sudah berobat kemana-mana namun gatal-gatal di kulitnya tak kunjung. Namun setelah mandi, ada perkembangan baik di kulitnya.

Hal senada juga diungkapkan oleh Sri (40) warga Ponorogo. Dirinya datang bersama rombongan menggunakan pick up. Menurut Sri, suaminya sedang maag dan gatal-gatal. Menurut Sri, suaminya cukup berkumur dan mandi dengan air yang dibawanya.

"Ini nanti buat suami saya yang sering kambuh sakit maagnya. Semoga sembuh kalau berkumur atau mandi di sini," jelas Sri sambil memasukkan air melalui botol dan dan jerigen.


Sumber Air Tiga Rasa Muncul 3 Bulan Lalu

Minggu, 20/06/2010 18:11 WIB
Air Rasa Asin, Manis & Bersoda
Sumber Air Tiga Rasa Muncul 3 Bulan Lalu
Sugeng Harianto - detikSurabaya

Sumber air 3 rasa/Sugeng Harianto

Madiun - Keberadaan sumber air tiga rasa asin, manis dan bersoda ini muncul 3 bulan lalu. Saat itu sekelompok tani yakni Tani Jaya Desa Lembah mendapatkan bantuan proyek sumur P2T dari Pemkab Madiun.

Saat pengeboran sekitar 125 meter dengan ukuran pipa 3 dim air, tiba-tiba langsung menyembur air yang mengalir tanpa menggunakan mesin penyedot.

"Saat sumurnya dibor sekitar 125 meter, tiba-tiba langsung menyembur air tanpa ada mesin pompa penyedot. Airnya juga hangat buat mandi. Bahkan air ini tak hanya menyembuhkan penyakit kulit, warga yang mengalami stroke juga sembuh," Kepala Desa Lembah, Mochamad Tasir kepada di lokasi, Minggu (20/6/2010).

Tasir mengaku setelah menyembur air tiga rasa, sekelompok tani itu akhirnya menyalurkan air ke sawah untuk irigasi. Namun setelah dibuatkan rumah pompa dan mengalir, diketahui air tersebut hangat. Ternyata hangatnya air ini membuat warga penasaran dan akhirnya dibuat mandi.

Rupanya, kata Tasir, saat warga mencoba mandi ada khasiat sendiri bagi orang yang memiliki penyakit kulit. Mengetahui hal tersebut, pihak kelompok tani membuatkan kolam renang mini ukuran 24 x 14 meter terdiri 2 skat dengan kedalaman 1 meter. Tempat itu dibangun dengan biaya warga yang memberi sumbangan seikhlasnya dari kotak yang disediakan.

Kini sumber air tiga rasa tersebut didatangi sekitar 400 hingga 500 pengunjung setiap hari. Sedangkan saat hari libur Sabtu dan Minggu pengunjung mencapai lebih dari 1.000 orang.

"Kalau hari biasa ada 500-an pengunjung dan bila hari libur bisa mencapai 1.000 lebih sehari," tuturnya.


Sabtu, 19 Juni 2010

Kesalahan Terbesar Wanita Lajang

Kesalahan Terbesar Wanita Lajanggetty perempuan lajang

Berburu pria idaman

VIVAnews - Dalam petualangan mencari cinta sejati, banyak yang kemudian menyerah karena patah hati, mengalami hubungan buruk serta memiliki kisah asmara mengecewakan. Maka, banyak yang kemudian memilih hidup sebagai lajang daripada mencari pasangan.

Kebiasaan buruk dalam hal asmara memperparah dan merusak kepercayaan terhadap cinta dan hubungan yang sehat. Akhirnya, Anda menganggap sulit menemukan pasangan ideal.

Beberapa kebiasaan cinta yang buruk para lajang seperti dikutip Your Tango di antaranya,

1. Anda memilih pasangan yang tidak mampu memenuhi kebutuhan emosional.

2. Telanjur berpikir bahwa cinta adalah sesuatu yang sulit, menyakitkan dan seringkali mengecewakan.

3. Merasa pasangan berusaha mengubah perilaku dan kehidupan Anda sesuai keinginannya

4. Anda merasa sudah terlambat untuk menemukan cinta sejati dan membangun kebahagiaan bersama pasangan.

Tak perlu terlalu khawatir apabila Anda akrab dengan salah satu pemikiran di atas. Yang perlu Anda lakoni adalah bersabar dan mengubah beberapa hal untuk memperoleh pasangan yang tepat. Berikut lima solusinya.

1.Identifikasi segala hal yang menghambat Anda menemukan pasangan ideal

Jauhkan pikiran bahwa tidak ada lagi orang baik yang bisa Anda ajak kencan atau hanya berharap keajaiban datangnya seorang pria yang tepat untuk menyelamatkan Anda. Selanjutnya, jujur terhadap diri sendiri tentang hal yang membuat Anda sulit menerima orang lain. Apakah penolakan di masa lalu, kekecewaan, pengkhianatan membuat Anda menutup hati? Sekarang saatnya membuka diri dan membuang ketakutan-ketakutan yang ada.

2. Buang kenangan menyakitkan

Agar Anda dapat lebih jernih melihat masih ada orang tepat, kumpulkan semua kenangan yang menyakitkan, kemarahan dan pengalaman buruk dari masa lalu. Terimalah sebagai sebuah pengalaman dan pelajaran. Kini Anda harus mampu menentukan jenis kehidupan apa yang Anda harapkan, dan pasangan ideal yang bisa membuat Anda kembali bersemangat.

3 Berhenti menunda kebahagiaan

Mulailah meraih kebahagiaan sekarang! Jangan menunggu meraih kebahagiaan sampai Anda merasa sudah waktunya. Ungkapan "Saya akan bahagia jika telah mendapat pekerjaan yang lebih baik" atau "Memiliki tubuh ideal lebih dulu" membuat Anda makin tersiksa dan merasa tidak percaya diri.

Saat berbahagia, energi positif akan menarik orang di sekitar Anda untuk mendekat dan membuka peluang hubungan. Jangan menunda memperoleh kebahagiaan esok hari, mulailah hari ini.

4. Ciptakan konsep hubungan yang Anda idamkan

Agar tak terperangkap stigma dari masa lalu Anda, ciptakan sebuah definisi dan kondisi hubungan menyenangkan versi Anda sendiri. Camkan dalam hati sebuah hubungan yang Anda inginkan, seperti hubungan sehat, ideal, penuh kasih sayang, menyenangkan dan saling mendukung satu sama lain.

Anda mungkin terkejut melihat perubahan pendapat ini. Dan sebagai hasilnya, Anda akan lebih berbahagia dan menarik orang yang berpotensi menjadi pasangan ideal. (adi)

Jumat, 18 Juni 2010

Jalan Cepat vs Jogging, Mana Lebih Efektif?

Sabtu, 19/06/2010 12:00 WIB

Jalan Cepat vs Jogging, Mana Lebih Efektif?

Merry Wahyuningsih - detikHealth

Ilustrasi (Foto: nydailynews)
Jakarta, Selama ini olahraga jalan atau lari menjadi sangat populer karena dianggap sebagai olahraga yang paling murah dan tidak memerlukan peralatan khusus. Tapi kemudian olahraga tersebut berkembang menjadi jalan cepat dan jogging. Mana yang lebih efektif?

Beberapa penelitian modern telah mengkategorikan berjalan sebagai olahraga yang cocok dilakukan untuk semua kelompok usia, yang tidak memerlukan peralatan dan persyaratan khusus untuk melakukannya.

Namun, sekarang olahraga jalan cepat pun menjadi populer di berbagai negara termasuk Indonesia. Tapi meskipun olahraga jalan cepat hampir menyerupai lari atau lebih dikenal dengan istilah jogging, keduanya tetaplah berbeda.

Mana yang lebih baik?

Dilansir dari Buzzle, Sabtu (19/6/2010), jalan cepat bekerja lebih baik untuk orang dengan kelebihan berat badan (gemuk atau overweight). Hal ini karena olahraga jalan cepat dapat membantu mengurangi lemak otot di area dekat sendi. Di sisi lain, jogging atau berlari menerapkan banyak tekanan pada lutut, dan untuk jangka panjang tindakan ini sangat tidak efektif untuk orang gemuk.

Selain itu, intensitas jalan cepat yang lebih rendah dari jogging, menjadikan jalan cepat sebagai olahraga yang lebih cocok untuk segala usia, terutama orang usia lanjut. Intensitas jogging yang lebih cepat juga masih tidak menjadi pilihan bagi orang gemuk dan memiliki kondisi medis seperti sakit punggung atau penyakit lainnya.

Pembakaran kalori

Menurut ahli kebugaran, jalan cepat sedikit berbeda dari berjalan, karena jalan cepat digunakan untuk mengembangkan kecepatan atlet. Meskipun tidak perlu berlari, orang harus memastikan kecepatan tertentu yang merupakan faktor yang sangat penting pada olahraga jalan cepat. Kecepatan sekitar 4,5 km/jam dapat cukup membantu untuk membakar kalori.

Jumlah kalori yang terbakar pada saat jogging hampir sama dengan jalan cepat. Meskipun jalan cepat menggunakan lebih sedikit usaha atau daya tubuh ketimbang jogging, tapi jumlah kalori yang dibakar tetap sama. Jadi pada dasarnya, jalan cepat lebih efektif ketimbang jogging.

Tapi faktanya, orang memang lebih memilih olahraga yang membuatnya nyaman, entah jalan cepat, jogging, atau olahraga lainnya. Dan pada intinya, olahraga baik untuk menjaga kesehatan tubuh.


Hot Ticket for the World's Biggest Passenger Jet

Hot Ticket for the World's Biggest Passenger Jet

by Scott McCartney
Friday, June 18, 2010

provided by

First-class passengers aboard Emirates' Airbus A380 can sidle up to a full-service bar. Four other airlines offer flights on the biggest passenger plane in the sky.

Before they ever leave New York's Kennedy Airport for Paris, tourists pose to take pictures in front of it, as though it were the Eiffel Tower or the Statue of Liberty. But this is not a monument, just a monumental airplane.

Though it has been a slow-seller with airlines, the $300 million Airbus A380 has been a hit with travelers. Jason Digby and his wife Susanne came to New York a day early from Mississippi just to connect to the double-deck jet that is the largest passenger airplane in the sky. Even after 32 months, enthusiasts still seek out the airplane with the giant forehead, and airlines say it draws stronger bookings and higher prices than other wide-body jets.

Some people just want to say they've flown

the behemoth, which can carry more than 500 passengers. "It made the flight seem short. I wish it had been longer," said Mr. Digby after landing in Paris on Air France Flight 7, on his way to a vacation in Crete. He was dazzled by the A380's unique tail-mounted camera, which gives a birds-eye view of the plane and everything in front of it during takeoff, landing and throughout the flight. Fliers are also amazed at what it doesn't have -- all the engine noise.

"It's quieter than any other plane I've been on," said Benoit Marchal of Paris. He also picked the A380 from among Air France's five daily flights in each direction between New York and Paris just to be on the A380. "I've heard about the A380 for years and I wanted to try it," he said.

Part of the novelty is that they are still relatively rare. Indeed, only 30 A380s are in service at five airlines so far, though Airbus has orders for another 234.

Still, amenities on the A380 haven't quite lived up to their pre-production hype. The company touted grand visions of luxuries on board, pitching the A380 as a flying hotel or cruise ship, with duty free shops on board, restaurant-style dining areas or even gyms, casinos and beauty parlors. But demand for cheap tickets prompted airlines to be more conventional.

So for the most part, they opted for lots and lots of seats, with an occasional stand-up bar for premium passengers. A few exceptions: Singapore Airlines offers first-class suites -- private cabins with double beds (the airline has a no-sex policy). Emirates has a shower cabin installed on its A380s for first-class passengers. (You get 25 minutes in the shower cabin with five minutes of water.)

Because of the vast differences in service and cabins, fares aboard the same flight can vary as widely as the 262-foot wingspan of the plane. On Singapore Airlines, for example, an Aug. 14-21 round-trip between London and Singapore on A380 flights was priced Wednesday at $14,505 for a suite, or $1,556 for a coach seat. On Australia's Qantas Airways, the span was even greater. A coach seat from Los Angeles to Sydney and back on A380 flights for the same dates could be had for as little as $818; first-class seats on the same flights cost $24,538 round-trip.

With the economic downturn, some first-class seats are already losing out on the super-jumbo plane to yet more economy seats.

Qantas, which flies A380s from Sydney and Melbourne to Los Angeles, London and Singapore, has four classes of service: first, business, economy and "premium economy," which gives travelers almost as much space as they get in domestic, first-class seats on U.S. airlines. But the airline has decided to ax first class from future A380 deliveries and add more premium economy and coach seating, a reflection of customer reluctance to spend lavishly for first-class.

In coach, passengers find the same cramped quarters of most other jets on the super-jumbo. Seating is 10 across on the lower deck; eight abreast on the narrower upper deck. Air France, with 538 total seats, opted for a slightly wider coach seat than other A380 operators, but loses some space in the aisles, which are a skinny 17-inches wide in the lower-deck coach cabin. "Seat pitch" -- the amount of space allocated to each row of seats, including leg room -- is only 31 to 32 inches in the A380 coach cabins, consistent with some of the tightest coach seating at airlines, and less than you get on Southwest Airlines.

One unique A380 coach advantage: The side walls of the lower deck bow out, instead of in, so shoulder room for people in window seats is spacious.

The tight quarters haven't deterred customers, who find the quiet cabin, staircases between the decks, camera views of the airplane, seat-back entertainment systems with big screens and more options, and the buzz of the unique airplane to all be reasons to prefer A380 tickets over other planes.

Dominique Patry, vice president of international affairs and alliances at Air France, says the percentage of seats sold on the A380 is five points higher than any other flight on that route.

Qantas Chief Executive Alan Joyce said his airline has seen the percentage of its 450 seats filled on an A380 run about two to three percentage points higher than on its Boeing 747 jumbo jets, even though the fares Qantas charges for A380 flights run 2% to 3% higher as well. In surveys, satisfaction scores on the A380 have been higher than Qantas has seen for any airplane in its history.

"The aircraft has an attraction," Mr. Joyce said. "People know there are only a few airlines in the world with it."

Singapore Airlines' CEO Chew Choon Seng said routes for his A380s -- Singapore to Hong Kong, London, Melbourne, Paris, Sydney, Tokyo and Zurich -- all have enough traffic to fill the 471-seat plane. "All of them are doing well," he said.

To many airlines, though, the A380 is too big and too expensive. Cathay Pacific, a Hong Kong-based premium airline, prefers smaller Boeing 777-300ERs with longer range.

"Whenever we studied it, and we studied it quite closely, we always found a more effective solution," said Cathay CEO Tony Tyler.

Another factor: Because so much cargo space is taken up on the A380 by passenger baggage -- there are two decks worth of passengers, but only one deck for cargo -- the A380's cargo capacity isn't as large as the 777-300ER, Mr. Tyler notes.

Given the high price tag on the plane and the preference among many U.S. travelers for the convenience of frequent flights, airline executives say it's unlikely any U.S. carrier will fly the A380 anytime soon.

"My perspective is that airplane is a great airplane for certain markets where you can assemble a lot of traffic," said Gerard Arpey, chief executive of AMR Corp.'s American Airlines. But even in his airline's biggest international market -- New York to London -- leisure and corporate customers want frequency, Mr. Arpey said, and the A380 is too big for American.