Selasa, 31 Agustus 2010

Kamar Pengantin di Dasar Samudra Hindia

Kamar Pengantin di Dasar Samudra Hindia

Kamar Pengantin di Dasar Samudra Hindia — Sebuah hotel di Maladewa menawarkan tamunya tempat menginap paling romantis, sebuah suite kaca di dasar Samudra Hindia.

Hotel Conrad telah mengonversi restoran bawah air mereka "Ithaa" di resor Kepulauan Rangali Maladewa menjadi suite bulan madu di bawah gelombang laut. Akuarium berkubah terbalik itu biasanya berisi selusin pengunjung restoran dan menyuguhkan pemandangan mengamumkan tentang kehidupan bawah laut yang eksotis termasuk ikan kakaktua (parrot fish) dan kakap bergaris biru.

Namun, untuk merayakan ulang tahun kelima hotel itu, sebagai dilansir Telegraph, Senin (30/8/2010), pengelola telah mengubah ruangan tersebut demi mengakomodasi tempat tidur ganda. Maka, tempat itu lalu menjadi salah satu suite pengantin yang paling memanjakan di pasar. Para tamu juga dijamu dengan sampanye gratis di pagi hari.

Meski hotel itu tidak mengiklan tarif kamar tersebut, pengalaman yang tersajikan tidak mungkin murah. Semalam menginap di resor di atas air, sebuah King Deluxe Water Villa, tarifnya 1.156 pound.

Anda tertarik? Pelanggan disarankan untuk memesan kamar itu setidaknya 14 hari sebelumnya.

Parched English fields reveal ancient sites

Parched English fields reveal ancient sites

LONDON (Reuters) – The exceptionally dry early summer months in Britain have revealed the ghostly outlines of several hundred previously unknown ancient sites buried in fields across the English countryside.

From Roman forts to Neolithic settlements and military remains dating to World War Two, English Heritagehas been busily photographing the exciting discoveries from the air.

Known as crop marks, the faint outlines of unseen buried structures emerged because of the length of the dry spell, leading the national conservator to label 2010 a vintage year for archaeology.

The outlines show up when crops grow at different rates over buried structures. Shallower soils tend to produce a stunted crop and are more prone to parching, bringing to light the new features.

"It's hard to remember a better year," said Dave MacLeod, a senior investigator with English Heritage.

"Crop marks are always at their best in dry weather, but the last few summers have been a disappointment," he said.

"This year we have taken full advantage of the conditions. We try to concentrate on areas that in an average year don't produce much archaeology."

One of this year's most important finds is a Roman camp in Dorset, southwest England. Experts say it is a relatively rare structure in that part of the country with only three others known of in the region.

The lightly built defensive enclosure, which emerged from parched barley fields, provided basic protection for Roman soldiers on maneuvers in the first century AD.

In the Holderness area of the East Riding of Yorkshire, an area rich in agricultural land on the east coast, 60 new, mainly prehistoric sites, were found in just one day.

Archaeologists say at least 200 new historic sites have been discovered with detail on many more existing structures revealed for the first time.

At another Roman site for example, a fort at Newton Kyme in North Yorkshire, the crop marks showed stronger defensive walls built of stone three meters thick, together with a massive enclosing ditch.

English Heritage says some important structures have not been seen in their entirety since the scorching conditions of the 1976 drought.

(Writing by Stefano Ambrogi; Editing by Steve Addison)

Sabtu, 28 Agustus 2010

Nonton Film Gratis Kini Bisa Lewat YouTube

Minggu, 29/08/2010 12:03 WIB

Nonton Film Gratis Kini Bisa Lewat YouTube
Febrina Ayu Scottiati - detikinet

YouTube Movie

Jakarta - YouTube kian menunjukkan keseriusannya di bisnis film. Situs berbagi video tersebut menawarkan ratusan film gratis yang bisa ditonton secara utuh, tak hanya trailernya saja.

Layanan ini sebenarnya sudah ada sejak lama, namun sifatnya terbatas dan hanya bisa dinikmati di wilayah tertentu saja. Dan kini YouTube telah merilisnya secara resmi untuk skala global.

Dikutip detikINET dari Times of India, Minggu (29/8/2010), untuk menyediakan layanan nonton film gratis ini YouTube menggandeng studio-studio film besar semacam Lionsgate, MGM dan Sony Pictures di AS serta Blinkbox di Inggris. Layanan ini menyediakan lebih dari 400 judul film dari berbagai macam genre dan era, termasuk juga film Bollywood.

"Ini merupakan salah satu upaya untuk memastikan bahwa orang dapat menemukan semua jenis video yang ingin mereka lihat, mulai dari dokumentasi kamar tidur dan citizen journalism hingga film utuh dan acara TV," ungkap Head of Video Partnerships YouTube, Donagh O'Malley.

"Kami berharap para pecinta film menikmati berbagai judul yang telah tersedia, baik judul-judul mainstream maupun film-film klasik dari masa lalu," tambah O'Malley.

Jika Anda tertarik untuk menikmati layanan film gratis dari YouTube ini, silahkan berkunjung

( feb / rns )

Diaspora akan saingi Facebook

Sabtu, 28/08/2010 07:12 WIB
Diaspora akan saingi Facebook - detikNews
Diaspora Sebuah situs jejaring sosial tandingan Facebook akan diluncurkan tanggal 15 September, demikian penggagas proyek ini.

Situs Diaspora itu menggambarkan diri mereka sebagai situs jejaring sosial yang sadar akan privasi dan bisa dikontrol oleh pribadi-pribadi yang menjadi anggota.

Proyek situs jejaring yang satu ini menjadi berita besar setelah Facebook yang sangat populer dipaksa menyederhanakan pengaturan informasi personal penggunanya karena dianggap terlalu membingungkan dan rumit.

Empat orang mahasiswa Amerika yang meluncurkan Diaspora ini berhasil mengumpulkan dana US$200.000.

Diaspora sudah jalan, menyenangkan, dan akan bersifat open-source mulai 15 September, demikian tulis tim penyusunnya dalam blog mereka.

Tim tersebut mengatakan sepanjang musim panas ini mereka menghabiskan waktu membuat sistem pemisahan informasi yang jelas untuk penggunanya.

Itu artinya pengguna bisa menentukan dan bukan diatur, informasi apa yang bisa dilihat katakanlah rekan kerja mereka yang tentu saja berbeda dengan apa yang bisa dilihat oleh teman minum mereka. Sistem pengaturnya tidak gampang tetapi itulah yang kami lakukan.


Proyek itu pada awalnya dikerjakan oleh tiga ilmuwan komputer dan seorang matematikawan dari New York.

Idenya muncul dan mendapat momentum setelah awal tahun ini Facebook mendapat kritik keras akibat rumit dan lemahnya pengaturan privasi penggunanya.

Kami ingin mengembalikan kontrol kembali kepada para pengguna, kata salah satu pendirinya Max Salzberg kepada BBC.

Tim mencoba mengumpulkan dana sekitar US$10.000 yang mereka perlukan untuk membangun jaringan lewat situs pengumpul dana, Kickstarter.

Namun antusiasme orang lumayan tinggi sehingga mereka berhasil mengumpulkan dana 20 kali lipat dari yang mereka perlukan dari 6.500 penyumbang.

Mark Zuckerberg yang juga pendiri Facebook dikatakan ikut memberi sumbangan.

Dengan bersifat open-source maka Diaspora akan selalu bisa diperbaharui dan diperbaiki oleh siapa saja.

Namun demikian banyak orang pesimis situs ini akan bisa menyaingi Facebook yang sekarang sudah memiliki 500 juta anggota dan diperkirakan bernilai AS$33 milliar.


Rabu, 25 Agustus 2010

Surat Yaasiin dan Berkah Air

Masjid Shiratal Mustaqiem telah lama menjadi tempat yang sangat sakral di Samarinda, Kalimantan Timur. Di bulan Ramadan, sepanjang lima waktu masjid ini penuh jamaah. Tambah lagi yang bersalat sunat tarawih.

Sejak dibangun pada 1881, masjid di Jalan Pangeran Bendahara, Kelurahan Masjid, Kecamatan Samarinda Seberang, Kota Samarinda, ini tak banyak berubah. Berdiri di areal seluas 2.028 meter persegi, ia dibuat dari kayu. Berawal dari pemancangan empat tiang utama (soko guru) yang disumbang empat tokoh di sana, yaitu Kapitan Jaya membawa sebatang dari loa Haur di Gunung Lipan, Pangeran Bendahara mengambil dari Gunung Dondang, Samboja, Petta Loloncang mencabut satu pohon dari Gunung Salo Tireng di Sungai Tiram, dan satu lagi diambil dari Sungai Karang.

Masjid selesai dibangun pada 1891. Sepuluh tahun berselang berdiri pula menara masjid bersegi delapan empat lantai. Menara setinggi 21 meter disumbang oleh Saudagar Belanja Henry Dasen. Kemudian pengembangan pembangunan masjid baru terjadi lagi pada 1970, 1989, dan 2001. Namun tanpa mengubah bentuk asalnya hanya penambahan sejumlah fasilitas seperti perpusakaan, sekretariat, dan taman.

Salah satu ritual unik di sini adalah ketika masyarakat menyambut Ramadan. Saat Nisfu Sya'ban, masjid dipenuhi jamaah yang membawa bekal air minum. Air minum itu disimpan di termos, botol plastik, bahkan jerigen. Air itu diletakkan di tengah-tengah aula utama mesjid.

Saat salat Magrib berjamaah selesai, ritual dimulai. Pada waktu antara Magrib dan Isya, jemaah menggunakannya membaca surat Yaasiin secara bersama-sama sebanyak tiga kali. Sebelum membaca Yaasiin, air yang dibawa dipastikan tidak dalam kondisi tertutup. Cara ini dilakukan dengan harapan agar 'berkah' surat bersama-sama masuk ke dalam air yang dibawa dari rumah tadi.

Masing-masing pembaca surat Yaasiin membawa niat di dalam hati. Pembacaan pertama diniatkan agar umat selalu diberi kesehatan dan kekuatan dalam beribadah kepada Allah. Pembacaan kedua, agar umat diberi umur yang panjang sehingga dapat bertemu kembali pada ramadan yang akan datang. Dan pembacaan terakhir diniatkan agar umat Islam selalu mendapat perlindungan dari Allah SWT. Air yang telah dibawa dari masjid tersebut dipercaya membawa berkah bagi siapa saja yang meminumnya.

Begitulah tradisi yang di masjid yang sudah menjadi simbol Islam di Samarinda Seberang. Dari tempat inilah titik awal berdirinya Kota Samarinda. Sekitar 1667, sebagian orang-orang Bugis Wajo dari Kerajaan Gowa, Sulawesi Selatan, meminta suaka kepada Sultan Kutai. Mereka kemudian diberikan kesempatan oleh Sultan Kutai membuka perkampungan di dekat pelabuhan.

Sultan Kutai kemudian memberi nama perkampungan itu "Sama Rendah". Maksudnya, setiap penduduk baik asli maupun pendatang memiliki derajat sama. Tak ada perbedaan antara suku Bugis, Kutai, Banjar dan suku lainnya. Diperkirakan pengucapan itu lama-kelamaan berubah menjadi Samarinda.

Setelah perkampungan ini berdiri, masalah muncul. Ada sebidang tanah yang dipakai warga buat menyabung ayam di siang hari, dan malamnya jadi arena judi dadu. Kegiatan ini membuat gundah Pangeran Bendahara sebagai Kepala Adat dan Agama. Kemudian dia berunding dengan tokoh masyarakat mencari jalan keluar atas kondisi dimaksud. Akhirnya disepakati dilakosi tersebut didirikan sebuah masjid. Maka berdirilah Shiratal Mustaqiem ini.

Foto: ANTARA/Budi Afandi

The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

The World's Most Beautiful Libraries
Aug. 25 2010 - 10:43 am |

The World’s Most Beautiful Libraries

If you missed seeing this photo essay of the most beautiful libraries in the world, you’re in for a treat. L’Internaute magazine has compiled 25 photos of books in stunning surroundings, from El Ateneo in Buenos Aires and La Selexyz Dominicanen in Maastricht to La librairie 10 Corso Como in Milan and Shakespeare & Co. in the Latin Quarter of Paris.

Here is L’American Book Center d’Amsterdam in The Netherlands:

Here is La Livraria Lello in Porto, Portugal:

Here is Tropismes à Bruxelles:

See the full list here.

Selasa, 24 Agustus 2010

An NYC icon cries foul over proposed rival nearby

An NYC icon cries foul over proposed rival nearby

Empire State Building (ThinkStock/Hemera)
FILE - In this Sept. 8, 2008 file photo, Madison Square Garden, lower center, and midtown Manhattan are shown in this aerial photo in New York, as theAP – FILE - In this Sept. 8, 2008 file photo, Madison Square Garden, lower center, and midtown Manhattan are …

NEW YORK – Look at Manhattan from afar, and the first thing you notice is the Empire State Building, spiking like a needle above the carpet of skyscrapers that coats Manhattan from tip to tip.

Now it's got some competition — a proposal for a nearby glass office tower that would rise almost as high and alter the iconic skyline.

The tower would spoil the famous view of the 102-story skyscraper for millions of tourists, the Empire State Building's owner, Anthony Malkin, testified Monday at a City Council hearing. It "defines New York," he said.

"We view this as an assault on New York City and its iconography," said Malkin, whose grandfather founded the Malkin Holdings company. It's "the end of the image of New York City that billions of people hold dear."

The City Council is to vote this week on whether to allow a developer to erect a 67-story tower that's only 34 feet lower than the 79-year-old Empire State Building, the city's tallest skyscraper.

The proposed tower's developer, David Greenbaum, says 15 Penn Plaza would provide critically needed and state-of-the-art office space to midtown Manhattan, creating at least 7,000 new jobs.

"The fact is, New York City's skyline has never stopped changing, and I certainly hope it never will," testified Greenbaum, president of Vornado Realty Trust's New York chapter.

The council's Zoning and Franchises subcommittee planned to vote Tuesday on whether to change rules. If they OK the plan, the final word would lie with the City Council — unless the mayor objected.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg supports the tower, which was approved by the City Planning Commission last month, spokesman Stu Loeser said late Monday.

The building would stand two blocks west of the Empire State Building on the site of the current Hotel Pennsylvania on Seventh Avenue, steps from Madison Square Garden and Penn Station.

"Wow! Wouldn't that be sad!" said Christa Huggins, a 35-year-old from Utah visiting the Empire State Building's 102nd-floor observatory.

Huggins said she "loves the view of New York all the way around, but especially in that direction. And this would block it."

Renderings of the proposed building — designed by Pelli Clarke Pelli Architects — portray a skyscraper shaped like a giant chisel atop a block. It tapers to a flat edge at the peak and is marked by a top-to-bottom groove on its face.

In his last-ditch effort to change the plans, Malkin — who also owns a stake in Vornado — appealed to subcommittee members to make 15 Penn Plaza no more than 825 feet high, about two-thirds of the originally proposed size. In addition, he asked that it be streamlined to minimally obscure the view of the western side of the Empire State Building.

But the idea of even an 825-foot tower next to the 1,250-foot-tall Art Deco symbol of New York — 1,454 feet including its spire — disappointed some tourists.

"That would still be no good, because I like to look down at the streets of New York," said LeeSa Snarr, 37 — who did so Monday from the 102nd floor.

Malkin told the subcommittee that the Empire State is "the No. 1 favorite building in the U.S., surpassing the White House."

It was the tallest building in the world when completed in November 1930. King Kong scaled it in the 1933 movie and subsequent remakes; a B-25 bomber crashed into it in fog in 1945.

It became the city's tallest building again after the World Trade Center was destroyed on Sept. 11, 2001. Its brightly lit spire shines different colors to celebrate national holidays and special occasions year-round.

Greenbaum testified that he would work to help improve nearby transportation facilities, including wider rail platforms at Penn Station, one of the world's busiest rail stations; provide better access to subway stations; and ease pedestrian and traffic congestion in the area, which also includes Macy's flagship department store.

He said he would reopen an underground passage connecting nearby subway lines and PATH commuter trains to New Jersey, so travelers don't have to go outside to transfer.

The developer has not set a target date for the tower's construction, saying Vornado needs to wait until it signs a large commercial tenant first.

Malkin said he favors the development of this midtown Manhattan neighborhood, but "we are concerned about the legacy" — of the Empire State Building.

"We are the stewards of this great icon," he said.

Senin, 23 Agustus 2010

Buah Semangka Paling Dicari Selama Ramadhan

Buah Semangka Paling Dicari Selama Ramadhan

Buah Semangka Paling Dicari Selama Ramadhan

Bengkulu (ANTARA) - Selama bulan Ramadhan pedagang buah di Kota Bengkulu mengaku buah yang paling dicari oleh pembeli adalah semangka.

"Buah semangka itu dicari pembeli karena dapat melepaskan rasa dahaga sehabis berpuasa," kata kata pedagang buah di kawasan tanah patah Kota Bengkulu, Yanto, Minggu.

Ia biasanya mengambil buah dari distributor sebanyak setengah ton tetapi banyaknya permintaan pada buah semangka menyebabkan ia harus menyiapkan stok hingga satu ton setiap minggunya.

"Kalau hari biasa hanya setengah ton selama dua minggu," katanya.

Ia mengaku dengan banyaknya permintaan pada buah semangka itu ia dapat mengantongi keuntungan hingga jutaan rupiah.

Buah itu dijual dengan harga Rp5.000 per kilogram dan jumlah pembeli melonjak pada seminggu puasa setelah itu kembali normal.

"Pembeli akan semakin melonjak pada tiga hari sebelum lebaran sehingga saya bisa memperoleh omset hingga tiga kali lipat," katanya.

Meskipun jumlah pembeli semakin meningkat selama bulan ramdhan tetapi ia mengaku tidak menaikkan harga jual buah- buah yang dijualnya.

"Kebanyakan pembeli adalah pelanggan-pelanggan setia saya jadi tidak ada kenaikan harga," katanya.

Pembeli biasanya berkurang jika keadaan cuaca sedang mendung atau hujan.Selain semangka, buah jeruk dan lengkeng juga paling menjadi incaran pembeli selama bulan puasa.

Marissa, seorang pedagang buah di kawasan tanah patah mengatakan semangka yang ia jual selama bulan ramadhan yang dibeli dari Lampung dengan modal Rp3.750 per kilogram dan dijual seharga Rp5.000 dapat memberikan keuntungan hingga tiga kali lipat.

Inside the 'Glass Pavilion'

Inside the 'Glass Pavilion'

By Sushil Cheema, photos by William MacCollum and Jim Bartsch,
Aug 18, 2010
Glass Pavilion

Known for his modern designs, Los Angeles- based architect Steve Hermann finished his latest project in Montecito, Calif., about four months ago.

Glass Pavilion

Mr. Hermann considers the home, called the Glass Pavilion, his “opus.”

When he builds in the Hollywood Hills orBeverly Hills, Mr. Herman says he is usually restricted to a small lot.

This lot measures about three-and-a-half acres and gave him the space he needed to create a home featuring walls of glass.

Slide Show: Inside the 'Glass Pavilion' Inside the 'Glass Pavilion'

Glass Pavilion

"Here I have complete privacy," Mr. Herman says.

"It allows you to be one with nature inside the house."

The 13,875-square-foot home features five bedrooms, five-and-a-half bathrooms, a kitchen with a wine room and an art gallery that displays the architect’s vintage car collection.

Glass Pavilion

Mr. Hermann, who has a passion for mid-century modern furnishings, also designed some of the home's furniture, including the benches in the hallway.

He originally built the home for himself, but while the six-year project was underway, he says, his plans changed.

Among those changes, he notes, was the birth of his daughter, now 10 months old.

Glass Pavilion

Mr. Hermann says he will likely rent another home for awhile before embarking on another project for himself.

The home is now listed for $35 million, and the furnishings are negotiable. Suzanne Perkins of Sotheby's International Realty has the listing.

Click here to see more photos of the "Glass Pavilion"

Bizarre Beaches of the World

Bizarre Beaches of the World

By Matthew Link

While the words beach vacation usually call to mind a tropical white-sand beach studded with palm trees and lapped by turquoise waters, the truth is that the world's beaches come in all shapes and sizes—some stranger than others. There are black, green, red, and even purple stretches of sand. Humans also add their own bizarre twists to the beaches of the world and have even tried to trump Mother Nature. Just look at the world's largest swimming pool (pictured below), which runs alongside a gorgeous Pacific Ocean beach in Chile. Oh, what will they think up next?

Nauthólsvík Beach

Reykjavík, Iceland

You wouldn't expect Iceland to be a swimmer's paradise. But then you probably haven't been to Nauthólsvík Beach on the southern coast of Reykjavík. While ocean temperatures this far north normally top out at a frigid 50 degrees, runoff from the capital's geothermal heating system (safely) warms the seawater of this sheltered cove to a comfortable 70 degrees in summer. If that's still too cool, for a few bucks you can steep in the two "hot pots" (pools filled with 100 degree freshwater).

Beyond the beach: Once your fingers go all pruney from your soak, rent a boat from the Siglunes Sailing Club, or refuel with carrot soup and the catch of the day at nearby Nauthóll Bistro. Spend the evening chilling out at the 56-room Hotel Borg, an elegant Art Deco beauty in Reykjavík's central square.

Crosby Beach

Crosby, England

About seven miles north of Liverpool is a little coastal village called Crosby. It would be unremarkable if it weren't for the 100 anatomically correct cast-iron human figures that stand on its beach, facing out to sea. This surreal scene, called Another Place, is the work of English sculptor Antony Gormley, who used a cast of his own naked body for the installation. The statues, which were previously exhibited in Norway, Germany, and Belgium, were supposed to be shipped off to New York City in 2006, but locals fought to keep them here. Some statues are submerged when the rather large tides come in, and over the years, they've attracted barnacles and sunk into the sand. Still, it would be easy to mistake these lifelike statues for nudists watching the horizon—if it weren't for the freezing British location.

Beyond the beach: The Crosby Lakeside Adventure Centre, which includes a restaurant, bar, swimming pool, and fitness center, opened in late 2009, but the town still lacks good lodging options. Liverpool's landmark Atlantic Hotel—though a bit austere—offers outstanding views of the city's historic buildings and waterfront from its 225 rooms.

San Alfonso del Mar

Algarrobo, Chile

Seeing as San Alfonso del Mar fronts a huge beach and the Pacific Ocean, it seems an odd spot for the world's largest swimming pool. But the pool's remarkable spaciousness complements the ocean beyond rather effortlessly, and jumping in the pool's 79 degree water is a much more tempting prospect than venturing into the 63 degree seawater nearby, with its dangerous waves and currents. The resort complex on Chile's central coast resembles a modern Mayan city, with pyramidlike apartment buildings towering above the colossal saltwater pool. Well, since it's over half a mile long and holds about 66 million gallons of water, it's more like a lake. Lining the pool are white-sand beaches, palm trees, and docks for the sailboats that ply the gin-clear water.

Beyond the beach: With such a large pool to get around, it's definitely easiest to stay directly at the resort. If the mammoth lagoon doesn't keep you occupied, there's scuba diving, golf, tennis, paragliding, soccer fields, volleyball courts, a 3-D golf simulator, a full gym, a club, an open-air amphitheater, cafés, ice-cream parlors, tea shops, and an aquarium. Let's just say you won't be bored here.

Bowling Ball Beach

Mendocino County, California

Part of Schooner Gulch State Beach, Bowling Ball Beach in northern California's Mendocino County looks like an art installation—yet it's all natural. Round boulders, roughly four to five feet in diameter, begin poking out of the water with the shifting of the tides. By the lowest ebb, the sand is covered with neat rows of these strange balls. Technically known as concretions, the hard, mineral-based spheres have resisted the endless lashing of the Pacific, while the Cenozoic mudstone that once surrounded them has eroded away to form the cliffs that line the shore. Despite the perfectly reasonable explanation, the boulders add an eerie vibe to an already otherworldly stretch of remote Californian coastline. (Note: The main trail to Bowling Ball Beach is currently closed for repairs; only experienced hikers should attempt the steeper alternate routes.)

Beyond the beach: Perched on the head of a cliff three miles up the coast, the 115-foot-high Point Arena Lighthouse is one of the tallest lighthouse towers on the West Coast. Originally built in 1870, it was destroyed in the 1906 San Francisco earthquake and rebuilt in 1907. Guests can spend the night in one of its four keeper's houses, all with fireplaces, full kitchens, and sea views.

Tropical Islands Resort

Krausnick, Germany

While it's assumed Germans like to travel far and wide to tropical hot spots, this wacky indoor world brings the beach vacation to them. Housed in a former airship hangar that covers the area of about eight football fields, Tropical Islands claims to be the world's largest indoor water park and the largest freestanding hall in the world (at 32 stories high, the Statue of Liberty could stand upright in it). Even in the dead of winter, you can build sand castles under palm trees on the 650-foot-long beach, take a dip in the "sea," or suntan on a lounge chair—the south-side roof is made of transparent foil. Tropical Islands also features the world's largest indoor rain forest (50,000 plants) and Germany's highest waterslide (82 feet). Oh, and did we mention the fitness center, 18-hole mini golf course, and evening magic shows?

Beyond the beach: Located about 37 miles south of Berlin and 62 miles north of Dresden, Tropical Islands is convenient to Germany's well-trodden tourist path. If you don't want to trek back to Berlin after a day at the beach, check into the 28-room Landhotel Krausnick, a simple, clean, and efficient chalet-style inn just a five-minute drive from Tropical Islands.

Repulse Bay

Hong Kong, China

Repulse Bay Beach, an artificial strip of sand on the south side of Hong Kong Island, is one of that city's most popular beaches, and you'll know it by the throngs who pack the place on sunny summer days. Shark nets and floating platforms have been added for swimmers, and of course the needs of a nearby dragon also had to be considered during the construction of a 37-story residential building on the hillside behind the beach. Legend has it a dragon lives at the top of the mountain, and a feng shui master warned that the building would block the dragon's access to the shore. Hence, a large hole was cut out of the tower's center to mollify the dragon and avoid a whole lot of bad luck.

Beyond the beach: Repulse Bay Beach is also famous for the elaborate statues of Chinese sea goddesses at the Kwun Yam Shrine. Throw a coin into the mouth of the fish statue and receive good fortune; cross the gaudy Longevity Bridge and add three days to your life! Once you've had your fill of dragons and superstition, retire to Jia, a Philippe Starck–designed hotel in Causeway Bay that has 54 apartment-style guest rooms.